M’s High Five for Friday


Today is my first high five for Friday experience! Terribly exciting!

My favorite things for the week, in no particlar order:

1. The crafty,homemade bracelet I made out of lanyard and a chain using my own two hands! I felt terribly ingenious and its kind of cute too! More about this project in my next blog.

2. Chicago! I just returned from a weekend jaunt! Fabulous city. Kind of like New York, but nicer people and cleaner streets. Go, Chicago! Also, the hotel I stayed in made the front cover of the Times Travel section the week after I went. Hello, Trendsetter!

3. The gym. Actually, I dont really care for it too much and would much rather find an adult playground or play an actual sport. But, alas, I must. I went every day this week which is probably more than I have gone in the last calendar year. And I used kettlebells. Tricky little things but if Kelly Ripa can do it, I can too! Oh, summer!

4. Vacation. Notably, the slow, lazy kind, that involves novel reading and jaunts to Argo tea for delicious iced concotions. See above.

5. Lunching like a lady. During the school year, my lunch typically involves twenty minutes of silence, a string cheese, and homework folder stuffing quickly followed by 25 sweaty, screaming five year olds. As you can imagine, come summer time, I like to try to be a real person as often as possible. My last fancy lunch involved these ricotta stuffed zucchini flowers from Pranzo, the newest restaurant at Batali and Bastianich’s Eataly. Fancy schmancy!


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